Seminar and Initiating Meeting on Standard of Primary Lithium Batteries for ESL Successfully Undertaken by FANSO



Market demand for primary lithium batteries is rapidly growing, as electronic shelf labels (ESL) are widely recognized and applied in global retail companies. To fill the gaps of relative standards, FANSO initiated the drafting of standard of primary Lithium Batteries for ESL, and successfully undertook the seminar & initiating meeting on Sep 18th. Attendees included experts from National Technical Committee 176 on Primary Battery of Standardization Administration of China, and technicians from primary lithium battery industry.



At the meeting, Mr. Zhou Jun, the main author and manager of FANSO R&D Center, elaborated on the draft line by line. Representatives had a in-depth discussion and gave many constructive suggestions to optimize it.


In the end, Mr. Wang Jingzhong,chairman of NTC 176 concluded: More standards need to be set in the future, as new product and technology are continuously created. That reflects primary lithium battery industry is flourishing. The in-depth exchanges laid the foundation for further work to make the draft completer and more perfect, which will help to enhance the sustainable development ability of the industry. Effort and support from FANSO for this meeting is highly appreciated.

FANSO will continue to promote technological innovation and assist in the setting of standards for various segments.
